
Showing posts from June, 2020

A Poem: Gladiator Girl

C.J. Glatzel is an poet from Pewaukee, WI.  She has been published in many magazine-  Pochino Press, 5th Wall Press, Bramble, among many others. When she is not writing,  she is painting and being an advocate  for those suffering from mental illness.  She is a voice to those who hear voices.

The Day I Destroyed All My Paintings

I bet your wondering what Tree Bitch means. I ran into a tree during track in the 8th grade. I got a gnarly scar on my face that faded over time. All the boys in school called me Tree Girl. I now lovingly call myself Tree Bitch. This is because Tree Girl grew up and is one fearless bitch. I also have superheros in my head. I 've been trying to write a book for them for years. They all were nice to me, including written "Tree Bitch". At Fairhaven, a residential facility for eating disorders, I spent all my time on a hammock talking to the characters. Jeanetta the alien came to me whlle I was bathing to say I have a universe in my head. I got out of the bath, put some clothes on, and ran around bragging about my universe. Then one day they put me on medicine. They all turned on me including Tree Bitch. I was at Lakeside in Tennessee early during my Fairhaven stay when I tried to kill myself with a pencil over it. I'm taking back the name. To hear voices. This story is p...

God's Diet: Boogers

I shit my pants in a group home at the age of 26. How is your life going? I cleaned myself up. Other than that, I had a good day yesterday. I woke up at six am and listened to pop music. Then I submitted my poetry book to literary agents. I also launched the blog and submitted poems to literary magazines. I am in an essence cycle 4 for two or three years according to numeroiogy (basically the same as astrology, but with numbers). This is a period of hard work with little immediate pay off. A reward normally comes at the end of such a cycle. We'll see what happens. My roommate also came back from inpatient. To protect her identity, we'll call her Madison. She's a writer like me. She has an idea for a graphic novel and pens poetry. We made good friends while were both inpatient at Waukesha County. It was one of the weaker mental hospitals I've been to, but I'm basing this on the food. One patient I made friends with kept giving endless thanks for the slop, but I was d...

The Night I Met The Devil

When I remeet the devil, I will be wearing sunglasses and no expression. It was last spring when I first saw the devil. My hallucinations tend to be like holograms- not actually there, cartoonish, but what I saw that night in 2019 was actually there. These two hallucinations found me at a terrible excuse for a mental hospital in which I can't remember the name of. My roommate was rumored to be a witch. It smelled of nastiness and turmoil there. While she was out of the room, the collective conscience was happening in my head again. This is to say I thought all the minds in the world were connected. There was a sickening rumor going around the United Mind about a person I care deeply for and consider a second father. It wasn't true, but if I wasn't in treatment, I may have been stupid enough to ...